The Commnity Properties Portfolio will offer older adults the opportunity to donate their homes, live on the tax annuity from their charitable gift, and know that when they pass, their home becomes part of a property portfolio held and operated by the community in perpetual affordability.
The Stonewall Bridge trains millennial and GenX LGBTQ folks in competent home attendant skills, employs them at higher than industry rates and offers a program that allows them to vest shares in the equity being generated by the growing properties portfolio. Care is extended to neighbors who may not have assets through “sharegiving” and basic home safety monitoring technology. The model is not limited to LGBTQ people, but is replicable wherever any community exists.
The first generations to have spent their whole lives as out, integrated LGBTQ adults are now entering the last chapter of their great gay story, with no happy ending in sight. The number of LGBTQ seniors will more than double in the next decades-- from 2.5 million to 5.6 million. That demand will overwhelm, by orders of magnitude, the resources for care and housing. A generation of queer pioneers finds itself stranded before the gates of Oz.
The Stonewall Bridge offers the nation’s thought-leading solution to this challenge. It was brought to us by David Nimmons, who is building a radically innovative – and quintessentially queer— intergenerational care solution to support LGBTQ seniors, strengthen the communities where they live, and pass resource to the queer generations to follow. And please help us understand your needs by taking our Stonewall Bridge Survey.
The Stonewall Bridge integrates resource and need, labor and service, economic equity, technology, and ethics, drawn from robust demographic, economic, cultural and technological data. Its key elements include:
Strengthening LGBTQ chosen families and networks to support aging in place;
Unlocking appreciated senior assets to provide, extend, and sustain care;
Using unique LGBTQ cultural and demographic resources to support meaningful at-home intergenerational care;
Train co-living “sharegivers” to provide in-home support and inherit equity;
Creating local care houses to extend care to nearby seniors lacking resource;
Using monitor technologies to leverage support resources and create efficiencies;
Creating robustly viable, value-based career options for queer millennials;
Removing for-profit senior care industries from the picture, halting the export of assets away from individuals and communities;
Using planned giving, community property, and land trust mechanisms to keep intergenerational care structures permanent in local communities;
Creating a pathbreaking mechanism for LGBTQ legacy and cultural continuity
The Stonewall Bridge is contemporary solution to accomplish what multigenerational families have always done: ensure a safe, fulfilling, supportive old age for elders and support our next generations. It offers an unprecedented vision for queer family, designed for 21st-century needs and realities, to ensure the old age we have hoped for and strengthen those who carry our LGBTQ cultural legacy to generations ahead.
Find out more details on how The Stonewall Bridge works
Please help guide us as we build the program by taking our survey
See our early preliminary survey results
See our latest progress reports