Housing Navigation Team Serving Brokers & Building Owners
We strive to make filling vacant units as seamless and easy for brokers, owners, and property managers as possible.
We are in our third year of Housing Navigation Contracts under NYC’s PHAs. We have successfully placed over 1000 households, working closely with NYC DHS, NYCHA, HPD and HRA.
Because we also serve as ombudsmen for our HCV clients, our organization is incredibly well versed in every step of the rental subsidy leasing process. Our navigators are present throughout the entire process, until HAP payments and Brokers fees are fully processed, not just until the client gets their keys.
Our proactive practices, such as beginning document collection at intake and preparing applications/packages prior to viewings instead of following the viewing, have allowed us to initiate the leasing process more quickly and have proven very effective with our client’s viewing attendance and unit acceptance rates.
When we have multiple clients viewing units in one building, we’ll send someone from our team to ensure viewings run smoothly. We’ll also do a quick HQS check advising landlords of any likely issues to remedy before inspection. Our team is also well versed in bulk lease ups. We’ve exclusively filled several new constructions and facilitated open houses for as many as 23 units fully renting the building in a single afternoon.
Our caseload is predominantly Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Voucher holders with an additional pool of CityFHEPS clients. We pride ourselves on our efficacy, diligence, and organization to ensure a smooth leasing process that moves as fast as the city allows us. We strive to make filling vacant units as seamless and easy for brokers, owners and property managers as possible.
Interested brokers can contact vouchers@stonewallcdc.org