Leave No Veteran Behind
a joint project of Stonewall Community Development Corporation (Stonewall CDC) and My Brother’s House with a major grant from New York Community Trust
U.S. veterans deserve housing support. There is perhaps no more fragile subgroup within this population than LGTBQ older adults. The goal of this project is to create and implement a model for placing older adult veterans in supported LGBTQ-welcoming home shares, coordinating care and benefits with the Veterans Administration and Social Services for Veterans and their Families (SSVF) providers and offering LGBTQ-competent counseling and support. Our charge from the Trust is to house 14 veterans by April 2024.
Additionally, we can offer older LGBTQ older adult veterans culturally-competent social and community integrations through groups, programs and activities both in-person and online at Stonewall Village NYC, our online community and resource platform.
In the process of placing LGBTQ veterans, we also often work with them to help them navigate applying for benefits, to which they are entitled, but for various and often complicated reasons, have never applied.
We also are building community partnerships and networks to help us in our outreach. We believe there are housing units for veterans to be created that aren’t being activated because homeowners are not aware of incredible incentives available to them for participating. Part of our goal is to work with local elected officials to create information sessions about VA programs that provide strong incentives and rigorous support to people who agree to open their homes to veterans.
Our goal is to reach homeowners and veterans and veteran homeowners in each borough. Each session will be videotaped and archived and made available to all participating elected officials from that borough. Attendees can request a free follow up one-on-one session.
If you are interested in learning more, becoming involved or helping us to generate leads, please contact Paul Nagle at (347) 855-1502 or pnagle@stonewallcdc.org